About the ban of sassafras, tea, root beer:
A good news is that people persevere.
Here is an overview of usage now
In Kentucky. Scroll down for safrole here,
www.wku.edu/folkstudies/kentuckyfolkweb/KYFolklife_Medicine. foKentucky Folk Medicine,
Like Rob Roy buried here in Scotland's hills.*

The line beneath the crest at the gravesite
At Balquhidder Kirk proclaims the Clan:
"MacGregor despite them." See www.clangregor.org/history-kill. For all the years
The English tried to stamp out that Clan's name,
Forbid its use on pain of death, it lived.
And with the sassafras, keep asking why
Its ban does not extend to poppy seed,
Or nutmeg, or the other spices that,
If grossly misapplied, cause something bad.
See www.totse.com/en/drugs/psychedelics/165181 foe Sassafras despite all.
The ways to use it are available.
I just miss root beer of the '50's.
Here is a site about the sassafras
See www.jagaimo.com/bistro/rootbeerfaq, about Root Beer FAQ.
And this one tells you how to make root beer. See www.stoutbillys.com/stout/infonsf/Library/0FF30A5F for Stoutbilly's Information Library, Root Beer.
The age of sassafras - at beginning.
Sites now document its age; and its role
In healing, refreshment, and reproduction or not.
See ontariotrees.com/mondaygarden/article.php?id=153>.
Yet ill effect on rats - behind the ban. FN1
The sassafras as mythic link: whose tales?
See www.archaeolink.com/choctaw_indians for an Native American Cultures Website.
A tree so old. Befriend it? Look around.
The tea still sold, but safrole free.* Check why? FN 1.
See www.glenbrookfarm.com/herbs/sassafras for Tea for sale; and www.sassafrastea.com/history for Hermie Kerner's Sassafras Tea<.
* See Scotland Road Ways; and YouTube at YouTube at Rob Roy's Grave. History at Rob Roy History; Trossachs area, including Balquhidder, at Trossachs.
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