Your Honor, evidence here clearly shows
That Appellant-Petitioner, seated
In the Garden to my left, with deep roots
In History, Culture, Healing and Tea,
Root beer and other sundry useful use,
Was wrongly found guilty of cancerous
Predilections in humans; only rats.
And those rodents (filing their own action,
The Habeas Mousus * before this Court)
Have systems that by nature see safrole
As pesticide. Of course, it's whiskers up.
We also learned that safrole will dissolve
In alcohol, not water. Runs right through!
With this the only stated ban basis
For safrole, its carcinogenic side,
There is no demonstration of cancer
In humans; with usual warnings and
Inform on doses, handling, regulate
For purity, but let our safrole go.
If someone uses it wrong and throws up,
Commonplace! See unregulated hootch.
If someone dies from overuse, that's like
Our fostered ciggyboos. Industry rich.
There may indeed be reason for control
If we, as claimed, can make from it a part
Of ecstasy; and if its qualities
In birth control may mean bad overdose
For those unlearned in safety in its use.
But airplane glue can also be misused,
And education is the answer here.
Who has the right to judge morals out there?
We watch our own - let others do the same.
Habeas herbus. Ancient writ. Backbone
Of justice and due process for root beer
And reinstatement of true frothy head,
Respectfully request that the judgment
Against safrole be reversed; a free herb.
* Habeas corpus definition at answers.com/topic/habeas-corpus; history at habeascorpus.net/asp.
1 comment:
YAY root beer! Cool blog!
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